Thursday, May 23, 2013

American science and energy museum

On Sunday I achieved escape velocity from Asheville North Carolina and headed towards Wartburg Tennessee. The rain was all around and I decided to kill a few hours at the American science and energy Museum in Oak Ridge Tennessee. It's a fascinating place and you can spend a month trying to learn all the information that they had there. Topics ranged from the development of Oak Ridge Tennessee as one of the primary sites where the atomic bomb was developed to other forms of energy and their development. The science that was presented was fascinating but as the day was growing shorter I needed to head on and move towards the camp spot.

After studying all the science involved in all the different forms of energy I was interested to see the exhibit about a bicycle. As it turns out it is by far the most efficient use of energy for transportation in a calorie per mile comparison.

From the museum I headed on up the road to Frozenhead state park outside of Wartburg Tennessee. They know how to treat their campers in Tennessee. The park was well staffed beautifully maintained and had hot showers.




  1. There you are! The museum looks very interesting, love seeing oil and gas history. Lets hear it for hot showers!
