Monday, July 8, 2013

Portland Maine, last day, let's make it a big one.

After the princess awoke, we set out in search of a baby moose and found one at the Maine nature park. My baby girl was so excited. There were moose and bears and raptors and owls and all manner of critters to be seen. I was so happy she got the chance to walk in a Maine forest as well because it is so different from home and I love the damp cool feel of it even though we had a warm day for our visit. The yankees were swooning form the heatwave as it was touching 90 for a few days. We just looked at each other and smiled.

 After the visit to the animals, we had a snack and got on the bike to go tour the lighthouses and the beaches. It was a great ride of almost 30 miles and we were working as team better. I think if we had our own tandem that was fitted to us, we would do well as a team. I love Kimberly so much and sharing the special treasures that we find on long rides would make the tandem worthwhile.

 The beeches were nice and the sea breeze made the warm day more comfortable. I loved the time with Kimberly but it was growing short and I savored each minute.

 That is my girl. I chose well and feel mighty blessed to have her in my life.

After a fun ride we went back to the hotel and cleaned up and had one last dinner together. Let's see, what shall it be? Lobster? Well hell yeah. We ate where the fishermen eat.
The next morning I took Kimberly to the airport at 4:45. On the way back to the hotel there was a beautiful sunrise but she wasn't there to share it with. Everything I passed brought back a memory of what Kimberly had said when we saw it together. I was sad that our time was so short and it made for a tough day. I'll have to get by with phone calls for quite a while now. Appreciate every moment with the ones you love. These gifts are precious.