Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Tour of the Black Hills, Crazy Horse, Needles highway, Custer State Park and Mount Rushmore Best Ride Ever!

The morning dawned cold and foggy and by the time I started the ride it was still cold enough at 52 degrees to warrant arm and leg warmers on July 26th. I headed out from Hill City to the Crazy Horse monument which is still decades from completion. After a quick look see I headed into the heart of the Black Hills on Needles highway and the fun began immediately with endless switchbacks and long views until I came to a volcanic area known as needles. I encountered my second of six tunnels that were so narrow that pickups had to fold in their mirrors to keep from scraping. On the other side there was an amazing view and cell service so I called Kimberly and while I was finishing up with her I saw a cyclist pass so I said a quick goodbye and tried to catch him. This was easier said than done and were it not for a dropped chain I'm not sure I would have. His name was Doug and he proved to be a very kind and interesting soul. after 20 or so miles he turned back and we exchanged numbers and agreed to ride again the next day.

 I passed this car 4 times on this ride along with many other cool classic cars.

 There started a long descent from 6,400 feet down to 3,600 feet during which I entered Custer State Park. This ride offered everything. There were climbs and mountains, tunnels and bridges, lakes and forest, rivers and waterfalls, prairies and meadows, large mammals and cheering drivers encouraging me on. I so wished I could share it with my buddies from back home.

 This small herd of buffalo ended up blocking traffic from both directions, refusing to move until the cowboy, I mean cyclist from Texas came riding up hollering Haw! Haw! and they headed for the hills much to the amusement of the drivers. I wasn't cavalier about it as they are quite wild and unpredictable and could have quickly ruined my day.

 Soon after that the climbing got serious with endless climbing switchbacks and tight tunnels and pigtail bridges that you go under, circle around and then cross. These were made out of logs and were beautiful but I only captured them on the gopro due to the steep nature of the climb.

 Topping out I got my first glimpse of Mt Rushmore and at the same time realized that the mountain I just climbed would have to be descended before I could climb Mt. Rushmore. Cool, Mt. Climbmore.

 When I was climbing these mountains I had many drivers hollering praise and encouragement and more followed when I reached the summit. The girl directing traffic started shouting congratulations! We don't charge Cyclists! Way to go! When walking around the memorial with my bike two dozen people came up and asked questions and offered congratulations including one lady that told me she had passed me 4 times already that day and I had caught them again. When she asked how far I was riding, she looked shocked when I told her 100 miles but that's just the way we roll, right guys?

 The memorial is tremendous and there is room for the man who steps up and takes away corporate control of our government that was intended to be of by and for the people. I hope I live to see it.
 The last twenty miles were downhill and felt like a reward for a job well done. My gratitude was full and I always have to remember that God is good! All the time!

Blasting west and landing in North Dakota

I blasted off from John's early in the morning and headed west. I spoke with my friend Mac Pierce from Minnesota about what I should check out on my way across and he assured me that I should blow right on through as there was nothing there to compare with what I had already experienced. That would later prove to be true but first I had to cross the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and Wisconsin. I chose the northern route via US2 and that proved to be a good choice. After crossing the Mackinac bridge I swung around the north shore of Lake Michigan which was again just beautiful. As I drove along a bald eagle came across in front of me flying low and fast. No time for a picture but I'm not likely to forget that kind of majesty. I later crossed the peninsula and swung around the south shore of Lake Superior. As I crossed Wisconsin and into Minnesota things flattened out and small ponds and lakes were often along the sides of the road with ducks and other wildlife present such as coyotes. After a 600 mile day in the car I tried to camp at a beautiful forest service campsite on a large lake that was the headwaters to the Mississippi. The site was deserted and I soon discovered why. I jumped out of the car and was instantly swarmed by black flies. I immediately jumped back in the car, took a picture out the window and drove to the nearest motel.

 Black fly capital of the world.
 The next morning I continued west and the vastness of the plains was refreshing after the endless forests of the east. I got some great shots but was grateful that I crossed it in two days in the car instead of 10 days on a bicycle.

I woke up in Lewis and Clark state park in North Dakota on the third largest reservoir in America. This is the headwaters of the Missouri river and is in the middle of the current fracking oil boom. The effect is a bit overwhelming. The traffic on the two lanes is literally an endless stream of 18 wheel trucks in both directions and property values and populations of the towns has tripled in 5 years. I stopped for fuel and there was one unleaded pump, 24 diesel pumps and a portajohn. Every 15 miles there would be a new trailer town and a cafe all new and sprung from the plains.

 I got through that and headed south for South Dakota and the Black Hills. My friend Marty reminded me that Sturgis was coming and I wanted to get that area explored before 60,000 Harleys descended. On the way I stopped at a place that Fred the elder had recommended. Roosevelt National Park is a secret gem in the southern end of North Dakota.

 When i was taking the exit ramp which was an upslope I came upon a cycle tourist, fully loaded and hauling ass. I had to stop and introduce myself and we agreed to share a camp for the night. I met him at the campsite and we drove the park and stopped for a hike where we came upon buffalo and antelope as well as wild horses which we saw on the way to the hike.

Matt and I had a great time and met another cyclist named Cathy that is an elementary special ed teacher. She takes off every summer to travel the country in her van and ride her mountain bike.

 The next morning Matt stripped the bags off his bike and we did a spirited 27 mile loop around the park where we encountered prairie dog towns, wild horses and more buffalo but pictures were limited. Matt is a strong rider.

 I love the badlands.

 After our ride Matt loaded back up and he headed west while I headed south. Something tells me we will ride again, perhaps for the epic Colorado ride next summer. He lives  in Denver but is from Colorado Springs. Ride Matt Ride!
 On the way to the black hills I passed several scooters on the way there. She has a sidecar with a dog and her husband is bringing up the rear.
 I got pulled over for speeding but politeness, respect and a CCL got me another warning and no ticket. I think I have gotten 12 warnings and no tickets in the last 20 years. This one was a speed trap too. Turning off the interstate onto a road that I suspected was 55 on the way to 65. The officer said it was a 35 zone and I was doing 48 and increasing. No harm no foul. The road goes on forever and the party never ends.

Next stop is the Black Hills.