Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The vacation in a vacation in a vacation, sounds like work to me.

So I came home to get a few things taken care of. First of all the roads needed some attention so first thing in the morning they got it.

  I got to spend some time with my wife and friends at the Friend's foundation benefit. Here is the man that invented the hook'em sign when he was a cheerleader back in the 50s. I notice the way he holds his thumb makes it look a bit more like the real thing so I'll be doing it that way from now on. That girl sure is pretty.

 The car got unloaded and it's amazing what you can fit in a Prius.

Since I came home when I did I got to attend my brother Scott's and His new bride Karen's wedding reception. It was a small gathering of special people and I was honored to attend.

Might as well start the shopping thing.

This one looks pretty but didn't make the final cut. I found a car though. It's a 2010 Prius in Red. I didn't take a picture and the whole buying experience was odd as I never saw it before I bought it and even after I had it, I didn't drive it for a couple of days. I was just too busy. I had to pull the seats and shift the cabinet over from the old car and put it's seat back in to get it ready for sale. Meanwhile I was test riding bikes because that is more important that test driving cars. After all a bike makes you work so it damn sure better be right. Kimberly put the '04 on craigslist and it sold to the people that emailed me the next morning. I'm setting them up and knocking them down. What's next? Oh yeah, Mindy, pack a bag and head to the airport. Crested Butte here I come.

Ah, fall in Colorado is beautiful. The air is clear and the aspens are turning.

Sweetie pie niece.

Bike art in a bike town.
It's ride or walk to school day. I like this community a lot. If it didn't get so danged cold and snow so much it would be a nice place to live.

Speaking of which what is this white stuff and what happened to my beautiful fall weather.

 My niece Caitlin was awesome on the cross country team this year and I got to go to the party. My sister had this awesome cake made. I was blown away at how well a flatlander did running at this altitude. Caitlin is going to be a force to be reckoned with.
Meanwhile the white stuff keeps coming down and there is another 5 inches on top of the 3 from yesterday.

 I'm reading a Steinbeck novel right now about his trip across America and this is an appropriate excerpt for what I have experienced on my own journey. It seems like forever ago that I left on this trip.
It isn't just doing things that matters but doing totally different things so that the memories stand apart from the others rather that being stirred into the soup of our mundane existence and lost forever. Go out and amaze yourself. Time to head back home and get ready to head back out on the road. My neighbor has been putting in mountain bike trails in my neighborhood for years. I've been going there to test bikes and along the way I run into his daughter's art. Actually to call it art seems to do it a disservice. It seems much more powerful than that.

Speaking of art, here is the mountain bike I settled on. Now that is art.

I managed to get in a couple of road rides with my friends but here is one I didn't quite get home in time for. Work got in the way.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the new car has a sunroof that makes picture taking more fun. Well, I got everything done and a few other things I didn't know about. I got some custom laced wheels for the new bike with a custom machined axle to work with the trailer and the only thing missing is the bags but the store with the best selection is on the way back to Phoenix in Tuscon. so I'll have faith that it will work out. It always does. This is me happily headed back out.

 I knew it would work out. These bags are hand made by a guy at his home in Alaska. They rock.

I loaded it up with lots of weight and headed out to the trails behind Mike's house. It worked great and I was able to go down trails that I didn't think would be possible. This bike is amazing and eats crazy trails for breakfast. It makes scary stuff into child's play.
This is the first thing that I came to that I couldn't get up with the trailer. I couldn't do it without the trailer either but give me time. There is a lot to learn about this wide tire stuff.

Well it looks like it's going to work out just fine. Before I can go any further with this stuff though there is more important business to attend to. My baby doll is flying to Phoenix and I'm headed out to get her from the airport because tomorrow we're going to the Grand Canyon to celebrate our ninth anniversary. Stay tuned for more cool adventure. It's about to get scary. bwahahahaha

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