Wednesday, November 6, 2013

In search of skilz

After my time with Kimberly drew to a close it was time to turn my attention to gaining skill on the mountain bike. The thing I had going for me was a good set of legs which can get me out of trouble sometimes when my skills are lacking. Off your line or off balance or in the wrong gear? Hammer those pistons and claw your way out. That has definite limits and my job one is to keep all my blood on the inside. I bought a recommended book called "Mastering Mountain Bike Skills" and there were some useful mantras and tips in there to guide me in my baby steps. Things like heavy feet, light hands help me to get my weight right front to back and without boring you, there are about six things like that rattling around in my brain as I ride the trails. Lucky for me, Mike has some awesome single-track in the desert behind his house including the awesome trail called the Desert Classic Trail. I was in heaven so I headed out each morning for three days and spent most of the day out there. On Tuesday Mike was off work and joined me on his mountain bike. I love the desert landscape but I would hate to land on it so I had lots of incentive to do well. The first day I saw a big Coyote on the trail right in front of me. I took a picture but I'm not finding it.

 By the third day I was getting the hang of it and I had a blast. I had planned to go to Tuscon that day to ride in the Saguaros but there were so many right where I was that I opted to stay another day and ride near Mike's which was also a bit safer if something were to happen. The ride was great and the trail is worth going back to. Lots of fun flowy swoopy stuff with challenges mixed in and the tips from the book I'm using are helping immensely. 

 I didn't get any good pictures of the trails because I was having too much fun riding them but I love it folks. The next day I drove to Texas and on to Big Bend. That's where the real adventure begins. Stay tuned.

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